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Already three hundred and sixty-five days,

Is it really the end, I’m in  amaze.

And you wonder why I’m running away,

Desperately from twenty fourteen today,

I’m experiencing New Year phobia;

Scared of another year terrible fever.

Since 2013 brought on so much chaos in my life,

I lost my job, my house and a bill of divorcement from my wife.

So for dear life, I’m running scared,

And not letting go of 2013 I won’t even dared.

2013 is truly fast flying,

 And so am I, right behind him.

I’m done with the misery and done with the tears,

As old folks say, worst is behind the coming years!


Friends! Get you early edition of “The Four-Eyed Boy” children’s book by yours truly Ann Marie McKenzie, now at Tate Publishing website below.

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